i think i have the world's cutest dad.
today, he went out to shovel the driveway, but then to our wonderful surprise,
he decided he was going to build a snow sculpture.
he used to do this all of the time when we were kids.
he would make a giant "snow head" with the snow removed from the driveway,
and we always got the
biggest kick out of it!
there would just be a giant 5 foot head, usually with a huge nose and mustache, just chillin on the lawn.
well, today, he brought the tradition back, and i was so excited!
at first, he decided to make a snow bear. this was his inspiration.

i walked around and took some pictures of our christmas decorations while i waited for the results.

when i came back to him, he told me he wanted to make the bear an elephant. i said "then do it!".
so, "do it" he did.

me and dad.

see, isn't that adorable? :) i love my dad.
well, today, i'm actually starting to feel somewhat better, the best i've felt all week.
i'm going to continue to relax for the rest of the day, then start full-steam back with editing and blogging tomorrow.
i've sure missed you all!