This is Sam and Hal :)
Sam contacted me about doing a stylized shoot for she and Hal, and as soon as I saw their pictures, the ideas started brewing . . .
Sam had this gorgeous vintage black dress that she was dying to wear for the shoot, and after I saw the picture of it, I totally thought "OMG, Audrey Hepburn!". This dress is actually what inspired us to go with a French theme!
Lee came up with the props and ideas for a French-countryside theme, and boy did she do a brilliant job! With her ideas, I was able to come up with some outfit ideas for the couple to give it just a tad more Parisian flare (which I had a BLAST doing!).
Sam and Hal are beautiful, sweet, stylish . . . I can't even describe how easy this shoot was.
And this is the dress that inspired it all!
Well, I'm supposed to be taking the week off of photography-related things . . . mainly because we shot 3 weddings in 10 days on top of full-time jobs, and with work being all I do lately, I've grounded myself from photography for a few days. So I'm going to go try to relax.
Can anyone recommend some fun shows for me to watch??
Hope everyone is great!