Hello lovely readers!
Is anyone else ready for Spring besides me? Of course you are :)
I'm really done with this cold weather!
Well, I haven't been up to too much lately . . . still settling into my apartment, getting my Spring/Summer weddings and shoots all planned, writing lots of emails, working on a website, restructuring my pricing, contracts, etc., and just trying to get my life all figured out!
Also, this week, I've been trying something different. I'm not spending ANY money (started Monday) until this Friday evening. Now that I'm in an apartment, I need to get some budgeting all figured out, see what I can live without. And that INCLUDES Starbucks! I know, you all can't believe I've been living without my morning latte, eh? Me neither. I've been living off of home-brewed coffee and Starbucks VIA (instant coffee). The French Roast VIA is actually amazing! It is definitely getting me through. Other than that, I've been brown-baggin my lunch, getting into cooking, and salivating at EVERY.RESTAURANT.AND.FASTFOOD.COMMERCIAL.I.SEE. I've had a few moments where I have felt weak, but mostly, it's been a good experience.
Well, I'm getting back to work on some things. Maybe a photo shoot will appear tonight or tomorrow morning :) Tonight will be work work work, dinner, listening to Broken Bells, and probably some more work. I will probably also watch Bones. Have you seen Bones?? My parents watch it all of the time, and I've just started watching re-runs the past week or so, and it's so good! I'm going to start from the first season tonight since it's on Netflix. Yippee!
Well, goodnight!