Sunday, November 20, 2011

Oh Fall . . . You do not last long enough.

A few shots from this weekend.

(Taken with my new Fujifilm Finepix X100 and processed in LR using VSCO Film Presets, then a few final edits done in PS).

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Editing. Funeral. Baby shower. Steak dinner. Breakfast with my mom and grandma. Editing.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


I know I suck at this thing we call blogging these days.  I'm acutely aware of it.  Truth is, I've lost my passion for it.  Don't worry.  I still have my passion for photography, even though it has its ups and downs.  But keeping up a blog has become hard work!  Back when I did it for fun, before I was running a photography business, it was easy.  Every day, I was dreaming up blogs posts.  I found inspiration in everything. I wanted my thoughts to be out there, for the world to see!  It was exciting. I loved getting comments, link-backs, etc.  Then I started taking pictures.  Maybe my blogging downfall?  You wouldn't think so.  But somehow, now, it's a chore.  And I don't want it to be.  I think a change in attitude is needed.  A change in perspective.  We shall see.