lately, with the blossoms and the nice spring weather coming around, i've been itching to throw a tea party! i've never been to one (at least not since i was tiny and would use the plastic tea cups and tea pot at grandma's), but i think a garden tea part would be just the ticket for celebrating spring time :) everyone could come dressed up in nice sun dresses and maybe funny hats? hehe.
i don't know where the above picture came from, but i fell head-over-heels in love with it (so if the photographer happens to stumble upon my wee little blog, i'm sorry i didn't give you credit! wish i knew who you were! maybe we could discuss it over tea? hehe)
i've been interested in becoming a food photographer (maybe on the side?) for some time now, and i love the style and lighting of this photograph. lee and i have already discussed doing an "early morning tea and breakfast" kind of shoot, just food and pretty dishes involved, maybe some old books.
this weekend has been very nice and relaxing (just as i'd hoped!). i spent time sleeping in, being lazy, going out with friends and family, seeing jeremy a little bit . . . right now, i'm on my brand new computer (eek! it's incredible!), listening to the rain and the wind blow outside. there's a slight, but refreshing breeze coming through the window. jeremy is all tuckered out from working so hard on this computer for me. i'm so grateful to him. this has been a much needed tool in my photography.
it's been one of those weeks where i start to wonder if i am, indeed, cut-out to be a professional photographer. there are so many things i'm afraid of and still need to learn, but the past few months, i've pushed myself harder than ever. i've been forcing myself to buy much needed equiptment, not just wait till i'm sure i won't back out of pursuing photography . . . i've offered many free shoots, just so i can practice directing subjects, learn how to catch great light, learn more editing techniques in photoshop . . . i bought a VERY expensive camera, a computer, i study and read up on photography ALL day long, at least when i have free-time . . . i feel like i'm actually taking the necessary steps now. hopefully, the paying clients will come next.
i just want to formally thank everyone out there who has ever said a kind word about the pictures i've taken. i KNOW i've got a lot to learn and a long way to go, and maybe it will never turn into a career for me . . . but the encouragement, compliments, and advice are worth more than any of you will ever know. lee, i especially want to thank YOU for all of the hard work you've put in to help me move this thing along. you're the best!
thanks for reading and have a lovely night.
I love tea parties. You and Lee should really plan one. Lee makes such beautiful food that you could get some great pictures. I have so many beautiful cups and more teapots than any one should be allowed to own. Maybe you should have it here.
ReplyDeleteIf you keep working on you dreams doors will open for you in ways you can't even imagine now. Thanks for being you.
i would come to your tea party!
ReplyDeleteI love tea parties, too. Maybe that's what I should do for my birthday--it's not for more than a month, but it's never to early to plan.
ReplyDeleteI'd love to do food photography, too, but it's so hard to get the right light.
Tea Parties sound awesome and there are a bunch of tea houses in orange county.
ReplyDeleteDon't worry about your photog career. This is the part that gets tough, but if all things we loved were so easy, then that would be no fun, right? :)
okay you must have read my mind! I was just asking everyone at our family party yesterday if they wanted to have a tea party.......no one seemed that interested ha ha ha I have some really cool tea sets and antique tea cups you would love :)
ReplyDeleteHey Maddie! Just checking out your blog and looking at your pictures. Keep your head up and keep working at photography. You really take some amazing pictures and I'm sure you'll get the rest down. I think you should pursue it 100%, I've always thought you had some serious talent in photography.