Sunday, April 3, 2011

some newness :)

A long time ago, I mentioned on my blog how I wanted a camera I could take with me on the go.  Something I could keep in my purse and use when inspiration would strike.  Well.  I bought me a Canon Powershot Digital Elph thing-a-ma-bob, and don't get me wrong, it's a GREAT point-and-shoot.. But, it didn't quite give me the artistic types of shots I was looking for.
I knew when I bought it, it wasn't going to be that kind of camera, and I thought "Meh, I'm just going to have it so I can take pictures of me and friends and family, out 'n about".  Well, it turned out, I didn't like to use it enough.  Being a photographer, it felt weird and wrong to post pictures on my blog that weren't "artistic".  Dumb, right?? I know.
Well, the thing is, I DO want to blog more about my personal life, and I just want to blog more period.  And during the day, I work a full-time job that is NOT photography, and I also unfortunately don't carry my large Canon 5D Mark II around with me everywhere I go.  If it was smaller, believe me, I would!  But it's unpractical.
So I went out and got me an awesome "tweener" camera (read: in between large DSLR and small point-and-shoot), which I've only owned for a few hours now, but I'm already so in love with!
It's a Sony Alpha NEX-3, and their whole spiel on this little guy is that it's "DSLR-quality photos from a compact camera". And how very true that is.  If anyone out there is looking for a "tweener" camera like I was, I highly recommend this one!

The two lenses I bought :)

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And with the few moments of daylight I had after the battery was charged, I ran outside to test it out!
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I'm super excited to get this little guy all figured out!

Well dear blog friends, we've got a busy week ahead of us! I hope you are all well!