Sunday, February 24, 2013

On staying inspired.

I don't know if you have the same problem as I do, but I spend a huge chunk of my time thinking and browsing for inspiration.  And I find a whole lot of it. Everywhere.  The problem is, exercising that inspiration and putting it to use.  Putting it into action.  Photographing the ideas floating around in my head, and publishing it. Putting it out there for the world to see.  
This is something I would like to work on. 

As I've mentioned (probably too) often, I have another job outside of photography.
And I do let that job control me and my time more than I'd like. I often come home in a rotten mood, and don't want to think about anything other than sitting, breathing, relaxing . . . 
Don't get me wrong, I do love my job, and I am so grateful that I have it. But it is emotionally and mentally draining.  But I would like to not let my day job control what I do outside of that job.  

I have let myself become lazy. I've all but given up on blogging, as you can tell.  And I hate that. I want to remember these times in my life, because big things have happened recently! I bought a house, got a promotion at work, have a new nephew and another on the way, a sweet kitty cat, and I have had a lot of fun with my friends and family. And I've done a horrible job documenting it.  That's another thing I would like to work on this year.  Although it is almost the end of February. I'm setting some resolutions.  Photograph more of my personal life, and blog more of my work and personal life.  It's a great way to stay connected to those you don't get to see all of the time, and I've sort of let Facebook and Instagram take over on that.  P.S., how addicting and awesome is Instagram??  Too addicting and awesome.  Probably one of my favorite things of the past year.

Anyway, last Sunday, the boy and I took a walk to the park and I decided to make a fun GIF of me playing on the swings :)

Happy Sunday!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Two new loves in my life.

My sweet nephew Benjamin Blue Ashby (more to come).

And my new best pal Loretta Lynn. 
Nicknames include Kitty-pie, Cutie-cat, Kitty . . .

and of course Toothless.  I just can't get over the resemblance.