Tuesday, May 1, 2012


In being a photographer, one of the most difficult and daunting trials is identifying and pursuing your style.

Most of us have a "style" from our very first click of the camera.  People point it out.  Tell you how much they admire it. You feel pretty good about yourself. But then, in your pursuit of learning, you browse more and more images by other people.  You start to appreciate the different perspectives and editing styles of others.  You think "I want to try that".  You try it.  You may or may not enjoy the way it turned out.  Maybe you didn't do it right.  Maybe it's just not you.  Maybe you're trying to hard?  This is when you start to get lost.

Where did you even start? You wonder.

This was the case of my journey in being a photographer.  I know from the beginning, I didn't have it all.

But I had a passion that couldn't be smothered . . . at first.

Then, I started to think "Where do I fit in in this industry?  What is my style?  What if I'm the only person who thinks I'm any good?".

This, I tell you, is the poison.  This is where you lose yourself.  You lose your confidence, your passion, your thirst for taking more and more pictures.

As most of you can tell, I posted on my blog much less in the past year or two, than in the previous years.

It was a confidence problem I had.  I still took pictures.  But it was something I constantly worried about rather than thirsted over.

I think I'm starting to get over that.  I think I'm regaining my thirst.  I know, without a doubt, this is what I want to do in life.  I'm meant to do it.

That being said, get out there, take pictures, EXPERIMENT UNABASHEDLY!

The technology will change. The industry will change. Your style will change.  Just roll with it.  Your style will still be yours. Just evolved.

 Here are a few shots from a recent collaborative shoot I photographed!

Experimental editing, of course.

Many more from this shoot to come!


  1. So beautiful...I hope you never doubt....you were made for this~~~~

  2. I wrote something similar on my blog not too long ago. I know exactly how you feel. And I also know that you are meant to be a photographer, and your work inspired me in my very beginnings and still does today. I'm so happy to share this journey with you, even if only via the Internet from so far away :)

  3. so amazing. seriously. i agree with mom. you were made for this. it's your calling.

  4. Maddie, you're amazing. I love seeing your work! You all did such a great job, and the girls, it helps that they're all beautiful.

  5. Maddie, this is exactly what's been going through my mind for a long time. I always think 'what if everyone hates it' or 'what if everyone thinks I'm terrible at what I do' or 'there's no way other people can think I'm talented' etc etc. i have felt this way all my life and really struggle against it. I find it SO hard to put my work out there which is why I started blogging in the first place. I know sometimes it's difficult to know if people are genuine, but for the most part I think they are. I have definitely noticed you blogging less and I do think it's a shame because you are so good at what you do! You have a real talent - your photographs are always inspiring. I hope you regain your confidence and stop comparing yourself to others. I do this all the time - I think my work is ok and then I look around the internet and think I'm the least talented person out there, how can I possibly compete with these other people? But the thing is we shouldn't be competing but trying to stay true to our own style. Inevitably some people will like it and some won't, but either way as long as YOU are happy with what you're doing then ultimately you'll produce good results. (I wish I could take my own advice!). Sorry to leave such a long comment but I would love to see more blog posts from you, so I'm trying to encourage that! OH and did I mention, THESE photos are sublime. Seriously, you're ace.
