Sunday, March 24, 2013


Do you ever have those nights where you just. can't. get. warm?
That's tonight for me.  I've got a space-heater inches from my feet, and hot tea.
It's still not working.
The week started out exceptionally warm. Spring was promising to show its face at any moment.
We spent time outside at the park. I played tennis with a co-worker/friend.  I sat out on my balcony letting the sun hit my face . . . and as I closed my eyes, I could feel the sun warming my eyelids. "What a sensational feeling . . . " I thought.
Then that bloody cold weather kicked in again.
I spent my Saturday morning laying in bed with my blinds open, watching the snow furiously fall, extra blankets drowning me in a heaven of warmth. It was so cozy, yet I cursed the snow at the same time, then buried my face in pillows, then finally crawled down to my kitchen for some coffee.
Then I spent over an hour in the bathtub.
Watching TV shows on my iPad, like "Locked Up".  I don't know why. Those shows intrigue me. 
Saturday evening started with dinner, then a visit to my parents' house.
I miss living with them.
But I'm also quite content with my new living situation.
My house may be empty in most rooms at the moment, but I feel it evolving into a home.
Once I get a little more money saved up, I want to fill my little house wall to wall with art and photographs.  Pieces large and small.
I want to buy luxury hotel-quality sheets and pillows for my bedroom.
And paint some accent walls.
One thing at a time though, I must remind myself.
I'm still without a kitchen table.  So that will be next on the list.  Probably.
Later Saturday, I hung out with a handful of my best friends and wished things like work and getting my taxes done (yep, I'm of those people), weren't just on the horizon.  But I guess it's those kind of happy hangouts that make you appreciate the weekends and not having to do those things.
Today, I had my pictures taken by Michelle.
I had the brilliant idea of heading up the canyon to Sundance, before I knew of the snow storm.
I knew it would be freezing up there today, but I knew that's where I wanted them to be taken.
Michelle was amazing, and I'm so excited to see the final product!

Photos from the past week or two . . .