Thursday, January 29, 2009

feeling unmotivated

i can't wait to go home. work has been hell the past few weeks and i've had enough. i have no bedroom at the moment either, so that makes me extra grumpy, so i'm sorry to all who have to put up with me when i get home from work. i'm feeling i need to take up another hobby. of course photography is the number one thing i want to work on right now, but by the time i'm able to leave work, it's dark outside, so it's hard to get great pictures out here. plus it's cold. i hate the cold. maybe i will take up knitting? sounds like a nice wintery hobbie, doesn't it?

so, yesterday i bought the book Making The Cut, by Jillian Michaels. it's a diet and exercise plan that i felt very in need of. mostly to improve the condition of my heart. ever since i had the infamous "sac" (aka "sacajewea", "jabba the sac" and all of the other fun names my friends gave it)(btw, i had a pericardial effusion for about 5 months, which is basically when the sac around your heart fills up with infectious fluids and it hurts really bad if your heart goes above any heart-rate but normal, or if you change elevation, like going from standing up to lying down, etc.) it's been hard for me to get back into being active. i've just been sort of lazy and out of shape for the past 2 years or so. so, now, instead of just going about my life feeling like an old person, i'm going to get into shape and try to eat better, hopefully, with the help of this book! it's pretty inspiring to read, actually, so i recommend it! the recipes in it are also pretty tasty sounding :) i guess we'll see how good i like in 30 days! (that's sort of the schedule she has planned out, i probably won't start till monday tho).

anywho, sorry i haven't had any fun pictures to post in a while :( work has been hell ( like i said), so there's just hardly a moment to think, let alone get out and take pictures. i'm ordering a new camera and some new lenses here in a bit (already got the loan!), so i'm really excited about that! hopefully next month will be a bit easier.

i will find some inspirational pictures to post later :) nothing by me probably, but just some photographers or some photos that give me a boost. happy thursday!


  1. I'm sory you are currenly "homeless". We are all feeling a little bit like that right now but the end is in sight. Love you too much. Mom

  2. Maddie! Motivation needed! I put an add on KSL and have had four people call, im doing two shoots this weekend! it works! DO IT! believe in yourself! how's that for inspirational message? ha ha
