Wednesday, February 23, 2011

new hairdo!

well hello!  guess who has a new 'do'!

my wonderful cousin tara did my hair on saturday, and i must say, i absolutely love it!

i've been wanting a bit of an edgier 'do' for a while now, but i've been trying to grow my hair out for about 2 years, so i was scared to do anything risky! remember when it was all chopped off?  see below.

(tara and i, a little over 2 years ago)

well, edgier we went and i'm ecstatic with the way it turned out! (despite my make-up-less, un-enthused face in the picture, i had just woken up from a nap) 
it's like i'm channeling my inner joan jett.  
first, we did a whole bunch of bleaching (for highlights and such), then we dyed the entire thing red (which i know is kind of hard to see in the pictures because they came out a little bit on the warm side).
after that, we layered it.  at first, it started out as a trim, cleaning up the layers, trimming the bangs, etc., but then i was like "let's keep layering!".  so keep layering she did!  and then i told her i wanted more.  and more.
and after it was over, i ended up with what i've been calling the "rockstar-70's-shag" :)

(taken with my new itouch!)

that's all i've got for tonight!



  1. I LOVE IT!!! :) My hair turned out similar when I kept saying I wanted more layers but to keep the length. I love accidentally awesome hairdos! :) You look GORGEOUS!!! :)

  2. It's totally cute and fits you so well1

  3. PS. I hate that your hair has grown that much in 2 years. It's just not fair.

  4. It looks great on you! I even like the red color, hopefully it doesn't fade too fast. All of the layers look fabulous on you!

  5. I LOVE the new do!! You pull it off so well too, not everyone can. I've thought about putting either some red or purple highlights in my hair...we'll see how that goes.

  6. oooo aaaahhh! love it, maddie! it's so LONG and i'm so JEALOUS! good choice on color, too.

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