Saturday, December 27, 2008

my christmas day

 i got some cozy socks form my grandma

i cuddled with this cute little dog.  she probably didn't move from this spot for at least 3 hours.

this was late last night, when i got home from jeremy's.  my street was so peaceful.

our friend amy was in town visiting.  she and i looked like twinners, so i had to capture the moment :)

hope everyone had a wonderful, cozy, warm week!


  1. i like the banner maddie! very nice.

  2. hey maddie! thanks for the comment. my mom just told me about your photography site. your pictures and your camera make me way jealous. you do an awesome job and they look so professional! i have a lot of fun 'trying' to do it and am hoping to get into the whole photography thing more. i would love to know what your camera is. i don't know the first thing about the pro cameras and would love any info you have. keep the pictures coming, it gets me thinking i could do the same thing some day, so thanks!

  3. thanks for the info! sam was actually trying to convince me to buy one tonight! i told him i really ought to talk to you and some other friends in photography before i make a decision. so thanks for letting me know what you have so i can look into it. and i would love to get together sometime so you could show me some of what you know especially if i get a camera that i have no clue how to use. anyway, thanks a lot!

  4. Ha ha cute pic! Love your blog Maddles and of course your great taste in clothing and shoes :)
