Thursday, December 3, 2009

improv everywhere.

you can't leave this website without smiling.
some of these videos made me so happy i started crying.
i had to close my bedroom door because i was embarrassed.

improv everywhere is one of the neatest ideas ever.
and i love that their mission is to make people laugh, smile, and have a story to tell.

some of my favorites: 

it makes me so happy to know that there are people like this in the world.
i hope i'm a witness to something like this someday.

also, it came as no surprise to me that katie sokoler from color me katie is involved!  she's brilliant, adorable, and just seems like the happiest, sweetest person ever.  

gosh, how fun would it be??


  1. i just watched all of these! haha it put me in such a better mood! go rob!!!

    my word verification is clooraid.

  2. These are awesome! My favorite is the wedding funny and sweet :)

  3. those look like SO much fun!! my favorite is the wedding reception too, i want a free one!!

  4. so funny. where's rob is my favorite because it involves so many random people.
