Sunday, December 13, 2009

oh mikki, you are a doll :)

my good friend mikki is a magnificent photographer!
we work together at the mortgage company, and about 2 years back,
when i decided i wanted to get into photography, i found out she was interested in photography as well, and boy, did she take a hobby and run with it!
she and her husband are brilliant photographers, and their work will make anybody drool.
you must head over and check her out! you may see a few familiar faces in her most recent shoot :)

p.s. this shoot was SO much fun, and chloe and i had a grand ole time trying to be model . . . while being cheesy in a few other shots of course ;) hehe


  1. wow!! her photography is gorgeous! almost as gorgeous as you and chloe. are you two identical or fraternal? you look soooo much alike, but so different too. both of you are so stinkin beautiful!

    love the photos! i'll bet it was fun to be the model for a change. :)

  2. Love it! Thanks for sharing the link. Great work!

  3. SUCH cute pictures! You are both absolutely gorgeous!

  4. beautiful!!!!!! I am awestruck at my gorgeous children! You guys take my breath away. Well done Mikki. We need pics of Sam.

  5. Those pictures are so amazing. She is really talented. That's fun that you can be friends with another really good photographer.
