Thursday, September 9, 2010

Something new.

Wow, it's been a little while, eh?  Well, I've been super busy as always (blah blah blah, I'm sure you're all sick of me saying that hehe).  Things have been quite hectic at work and I've sort of been hiding in my room in the evenings, just laying low the past few weeks.  It's been nice.  I have LOTS of editing to do this weekend.  Like, I want to cry thinking about it.  Blah.
But in much happier, much more cute news . . . check out my new camera bag!!

Isn't she beautiful?!? I ordered it from Jo Totes (check them out, SUCH cute stuff!). It arrived today and I couldn't be happier with it.  I'm hoping with this bag to be able to take my camera with me more places and catch more personal candid moments from my own life rather than only taking it on photo shoots.  I'm also going to try shooting a little bit of film this week! :)  Just for fun, and I just love the look of film.  I will post the pictures after I do!

Well, have a wonderful night friends!


  1. I just bought the purple version of that bag and I can't wait for it to come in! We missed you!

    Ramblings of a Small Town Girl

  2. I just bought the rose teal a couple months ago. What great bags! And the price isn't too bad either.

  3. I've been contemplating this bag too. You may have talked me in to it!

  4. I love that bag! So cute. I had no idea it was a camera bag, it would make a cute purse too. I love film picture too, our wedding was shot by a photographer that only does film, so be sure to post them, I'm excited to see them.
