Wednesday, April 29, 2009

so tired, i could cry . . .

but it's been just way too long since i've taken pictures and posted them.
this week at work (the mortgage company) has been unbelievably busy, and i almost lost it today.  when i woke up this morning, i was just on the verge of tears.  it was hard to pull myself out of  bed. any exertion of energy was so draining that i could hardly hold it together.  i felt like something was pulling down on my heart, pulling it into my stomach, squeezing on it, just begging for me to cry.  this feeling lasted well into the afternoon, and i could not pin-point a reason for it.  i felt almost useless at work.  like a zombie.  
sometime around 2, chloe, lee, and i decided we should probably eat (because we're so busy, we almost forget that people need consume food to survive), so we called in an order to kneaders (a sandwich, bread, pastry kind of place).  i was aching to leave the office.  as soon as we got outside, i felt SO much better.  it was as if i was waking up all over again.  i'm thankful for a good friend and a good sister at work who can help pull me out of my occasional funk.  lee and i decided to try a new coffee place (one of like 5 in utah county! utah county is crazy.  coffee is delicious and we need more coffee places).  it's new in provo, called Buns and Brews.  it was fantastic!  and too cute.  it's a little drive-up/walk-up kind place, and i highly recommend it, even if you do not drink coffee.  they have a full list of non-coffee-containing beverages.  keep this little businesses going! :)
when i got back from lunch, i felt much better.  food helps.  coffee helps.  outside helps.  after work, i made jeremy walk with me to the pet store.  i'm sure i'm probably not the most fun person to walk with because i bring my little point-and-shoot camera (everywhere i go) and stop every 30 seconds to take pictures.  but he tolerated it quite well and let me do ma thang :)  
unfortunately, there were no puppies at the pet store, which i was very sad about, but expected it.  it was, in fact, petsmart.  but i did enjoy looking at the fish.  i think i might buy one or two pretty soon here to spruce up my desk at work!  maybe some colorful ones to cheer me up during the busy days.  i have an awesome schedule of photo-shoots over the next few months that i'm super excited about, so that gives me things to look forward to. 

the pictures i posted were all taken with my point-and-shoot digital camera.  in a way, i wanted to show that you don't NEED to buy the most expensive camera to get quality pictures.  you just need a steady hand, a good point-of-view, and natural, beautiful daylight!  also, have fun with your settings :)  (try out the macro setting, i'm obviously obsessed)  just experiment! photography is awesome, and i LOVE seeing other people's points-of-view through their pictures.  

anyway, can't even believe i'm still awake right now!  goodnight all!  over and out :)



  1. days like this are tough and even if we have to pull through doesn't mean we want to. plus a ray of sunshine makes it all better, doesn't it :)

  2. oh maddie! i'm sorry you were having such a rough day. :( but it looks like you find some amazing ways to pull yourself out of it! don't you just love those days for your mood does a complete 180??

    i love that you love coffee so much. good coffee is certainly one of my favorite things. it's such a treat for me and helps get me out bad moods (like you and how jeremy just needs to ask if you need a latte and you're already feeling a little better - i tooootally get that!). that's just crazy talk that there's only like 5 coffee shops. i hope you can keep the one you like in business!

    i looove these photos! they're gorgeous! what kind of point and shoot camera do you have? i just don't know if i could produce these with mine! i really don't! every picture i take on my camera in natural light has a blue tint to it. it's SO irritating! levi and i have looked through all the settings and CANNOT figure out how to get that blue out of there! did you use photoshop to edit them after? they are so pretty. you're such a talent. i think my two favorite are the nails and the fish.

  3. your photo are great! I love the fishtank one.
