Wednesday, February 18, 2009


so, i'm quite sure i'm not the first woman to discover him, but . . .

WOW! (yep, that's all for you, ladies! just take in his beauty)

his name is Curtis Stone, and:

a. he's hottttttt!
b. he has an accent :)
c. he COOKS!!! because he likes to! and he probably gets paid a lot to do it!
d. he has his own t.v. show. because he's so awesome.

he's the host of some show on TLC called Take Home Chef. i have never heard of this show before, but this morning, when i was getting ready, i turned my t.v. on (because i like the background noise) and i was flipping through the channels and saw this stallion of a man. cooking breakfast. then he started talking. it was amazing. just the morning pick-me-up i needed. i may have to t.v.-stalk him in the morning-time from now on. i am a sucker for accents. and food. and gorgeousness.


  1. Mmmm Yummy..Can I take him home please? Jk...or not..

  2. As non-creepily as I can say this...

    Hes not as hott as my bro..

    ha. And again, I mean that in the upmost non creepyish way....
