Thursday, October 8, 2009

tonight . . .

out of nowhere, i decided to be crazy and do something i vowed to never do EVER. AGAIN:
see a midnight movie on a work night.
after the whole Twilight fiasco (sorry peeps, i enjoyed the books thoroughly, but did NOT enjoy the movie. don't hold it against me), i decided seeing movies at midnight makes me hate them.
i hate waiting in line for hours and hours to see a movie.  plus, i am one who TRULY values my sleep.

anyway, jeremy, a few friends, and i are going to see the new paranormal activity.  
at midnight!
i'm excited, and a wee bit terrified!

watch the trailer below.  you will see why.

wish me luck so that i don't die.  from being too scared.

sleep well!
i know i won't.


  1. hahaha! you're crazy! i love doing things out of the ordinary. hope you have fun and not too many nightmares. :)

  2. hope it was good!!! sean says he might see it with me :)

  3. Ps. I accidentally rejected your comment on my blog. ha. Whoooopsy.

  4. oh man i heard about this movie! i know you love horror movies, so for you to be scared, it means it must be scary!

    no worries about the package! take your time! <33

  5. Ah! I hate movies like that! I don't sleep for weeks. My idea of a good horror film is zombieland. That's about all I can handle. lol.

    was it scary?
