Tuesday, October 27, 2009

would you live in a treehouse?


i totally would.  they look magical, don't they??

today is mighty chilly. there's rumors of snow fall.
i hate that it's getting dark earlier in the day . . . sigh.
but, i am excited for cold weather. don't know why.
i really think i might be going crazy, just saying i'm excited for cold weather.
i guess with cold weather brings extra creativity . . .
crafting indoors, reading books, magazines, sitting by a fire . . .

i've got a few little projects in the works that i'm excited about.  i will share when i'm ready :)
i hope you all stay warm today!  go get a hot latte, tea, or hot chocolate!



  1. ahhh! i would love to live in one of those. those are amazing! i love this weather too! although i would be okay if it didn't snow... and a chai sounds might amazing right now...

  2. yes! yes! yes! treehouses are awesome. i always wanted to live in a tree like a lost boy

  3. You're definitely crazy if you're excited about the cold! You'll regret you said that come January ;).
    I love treehouses. Like the Swiss Family Robinson! I always thought theirs was pretty awesome. Same with Bart Simpson's.

  4. i don't think i'd live in a tree house, but those are all incredible! hope you had your fill of hot lattes today!

  5. kyle and i would totally live in a treehouse! those are awesome

  6. It would absolutely be amazing and magical like you mentioned. :D

    Btw i'm really liking your blog, im a follower now ^.^

  7. I've been to one of the ones featured here before =) It sure was magical!

  8. I would I would... a form of living out a childhood dream wouldn't it?
