Sunday, January 30, 2011

All growed up.

Well.  I moved out of my parents' house this week.

Sort of a surreal feeling actually.  I've lived on my own before.  But I always felt/knew I'd be back at home eventually.  I lived in St. George, Utah for a year and a half!  But I still knew that it wasn't an official living situation.  I even moved into two other apartments after moving back to Orem (my hometown).  And it still never felt like a permanent situation.  The last time I moved back into my parents' house , the goal was to save money for a while so I could put a down payment on a future home/condo.  Well, "a while" turned into almost three years.  And I'd been itching to stretch my legs and get out there, be on my own again.  I have been looking to move out for months.  For some reason, living in one room (bed, desk, all of my belongings) caused me to feel a little bit stunted, creatively.  I needed my own space, my own office . . . room for my stuff and my thoughts.

It had been on my mind a LOT.  In fact, I had actually had enough saved up for the down payment on a condo I had found.  My DREAM condo.  It was amazing.  Dark hardwood floors, fireplace, two bedrooms and an office, an amazing kitchen that was wide open with the living room . . . it was everything I had ever wanted in a place.
Only problem?  The HOA was in the middle of a nasty lawsuit with the old wireless internet provider and nobody could make any sales until that was settled.  I thought I could wait.  I was even under contract to purchase.  TWICE.  But, a few weeks turned into a few months, and I started to feel disheartened, like it was never going to happen . . .

I decided to pull out of the contract.  Again.

I decided to save my down payment money and just rent for a while.  SO, I'm renting now.  I found a great little apartment with two bedroom (one is serving as my new office :) ) and two bathrooms, a nice open kitchen/ living room . . . and a fireplace :)  I don't know why, the fireplace is important to me.  I must get that from my mom.

Now, I feel it could be official.  This "living on my own" thing.  My life is changing.

We were "The Five Musketeers", my family.  But, everything has been changing.  At first, it didn't really phase me.  My twin sister got married, then my little brother got married . . .  I was the last kid in the house.  It didn't hit me how crazy moving out would be until my last night at my parent's house, last Monday night.  I pulled up after running a few errands, and just broke into tears in my car.  It hit me HARD.  Things were going to be different from now on.  I wasn't a kid anymore. We weren't "The Five Musketeers" anymore . . . The excitement left me, and devastation sunk in.  (If you knew how amazingly awesome my parents are, you would never want to leave their home either!).  
BUT.  I can't think of it that way.  I can't think of this as being the end of "The Five Musketeers".  Instead, I need to think of it as "The Seven Musketeers" and counting.

Well, back to my new place!  It's pretty close to work, only TWO block from Starbucks (VERY important), and very close to restaurants, Barnes and Noble, movie theaters, a mall . . .
Granted, it's only about 5 miles closer than I was before, but still awesome, I think :)
The first few nights here were kind of hard, I was still a bit sad about the "official-ness" of it all, but I'm feeling much better after this weekend.  I feel like I could really make this place my home for a while.

This weekend was eventful!  Saw the movie The Mechanic with Jeremy, my sister, and her husband, got the cable and internet hooked up, had lunch with one of my best friends, poker night with the family, a few trips to Costco, which resulted in a new sectional sofa and a new TV, got the apartment all set up, and lounged around watching Sex and The City, Will & Grace, and Rules of Engagement.  It's been a pretty good weekend!  I'm looking forward the next week (and the year) ahead!

A few snapshots from tonight (taken with my phone):

2011-01-30 20.00.09 (1)
2011-01-30 20.00.48



  1. That's amazing! :) So excited for you! Now you've got me itching to move too :) Hope you are enjoying it and have a wonderful week! :)

  2. I'm glad you found a place you like, maybe by the time your lease is up at this place your dream condo will be able to be sold. That's so silly that they can't sell and the poor people who are trying to sell it! Fireplaces in apartments automatically make them way better, they just seem much cozier. Hopefully your creativity will flow, now that you have your own space. And oh my goodness, I loved your story about going to Steins. I laughed so hard at it> My sister and I stories like that every time we see each other.

  3. I'm excited for you, Maddie!!! I still miss living at home sometimes. I wonder if that ever goes away.
