Tuesday, July 21, 2009

i've been interviewed!

today is an exciting day for me :) i was interviewed by diana from our.city.lights about my photography a few weeks ago and she posted the interview today! i'm a huge fan of her blog and her cause. she's always promoting the most wonderful photographers, doing interviews, features, etc. i feel unworthy to be one of her spotlights, but so honored at the same time.
i love her style and insight on things, and i adore her posts on "hot library smut" as she calls it (hehe), tattoo art, and her passion and adoration for books and vintage-glam. and most of all, her film photography is brilliant! she's definitely a blog to follow. you will constantly be inspired!
thanks diana! i'm beaming today :)


  1. you feel honored??? no way! i feel honored!! thank you so much for the taking the time and sharing the photos! you are a delight to have and i hope it makes you some business, too ;)

  2. Such a fan of Diana's and now a fan of yours... lovely photography!

  3. Maddie amazing work and you deserve this! You have worked so hard! YOU GO GIRL!!!!

  4. Wow! What an honor! I am so proud of you. Love you, Mom.

  5. Nice interview Maddie, you sound so professional ;) I love it.

  6. Awesomeness!!! Maddie you are tal-en-ted, girl!! So glad I get the privilege to go along on this photography journey :)

  7. thats so awesome! your photography is amazing, you totally deserve it.
