Thursday, July 2, 2009

i wish i had a time machine . . .

due to a rough week and some technical problems that pretty much devastated me and pushed me over the edge last night, i'm extending the photo-challenge! we all have a lot going on this week, i'm sure, with the 4th of july this weekend, so i think some extra time to get things done is just what the doctor ordered.
the new photo-challenge "due date" is going to be next thursday, the 9th.
and once again, the assignment is to photograph the places in your city/town that you go to often, your hang-outs, etc.. i want your creativity to shine through! do you this however you want, edit the pictures however you want, just show your personality in them! if you have questions, feel free to email me.



  1. mmmm coffee. i'm having an iced latte at peet's right now. i know how much you love lattes so i dedicate this one to you! :)

  2. whew....thank goodness. i was kinda freakin out about how i was gonna get this done! ha ha. yeah for the holiday weekend! woot woot.

  3. Does a couch count as a favorite hang-out spot? I'm bet'n it does.:p
    Just how to make it creative...hmmm.:)

    See you in PB. We'll have to go get some coffee (darned if I love the cocoa in that stuff), but I'm sure V will make us some every morning, so not to worry.

  4. I am glad too because I have a few pictures but not enough.
