Wednesday, June 10, 2009

a little list.

1. i have a new favorite blog: art equals happy.
2. i have a bridal shoot tonight with a beautiful bride and her handsome groom, i'm hoping the weather doesn't get too nasty :(
3. it's freakin cold outside for june!
4. after tonight's shoot, i will have 3 photo-shoots i need to get done editing! i'm a busy girl this week! this means LOTS of coffee tonight.
5. business cards might be done this week :) they will be SO rad.
6. lots of good business-related things are going to be happening in the next week. i have an awesome business partner!
7. pandora rocks my world.
8. i'm sick of my day job.
9. softball game friday night.
10. a wedding gig on saturday.
11. lots of editing to do sunday, but maybe i will take that day off. maybe.
that's my little list. perhaps another post tonight if i have time. soooo much to do, but it feels good to finally get things moving.
a busy, but awesome week!


  1. Awww....thanks Maddles! We do have lots of fun stuff comin up! Woo hoo :)

  2. It's so fun watching you grow! You guys are so much fun. Can't wait for our Tea Party some day!

  3. isn't it annoying how success in the thing you will love will make you get sick of your day job?? i hate having to do necessary things sometimes. it looks like your day job might not be necessary soon though!!! i'm so proud of you!

    by the way, your mom left me the SWEETEST comment yesterday. i had to read it out loud to levi immediately. it made me so happy. :)

  4. i love how your business is growing!
    have you gotten my emails btw??
    can't wait to see the business cards!
