Friday, June 26, 2009

open house tomorrow!

tomorrow, there is an open house for the little princess bowtique and a few other vendors!

tomorrow from 11-4
2685 north 850 west
provo, ut 84604

if you get lost, call amanda at 801-318-9052
the little princess bowtique is composed of super cute hair bows and flowers for little girls and baby girls, as well as a variety for adults.

ellaphantsy, created by my sister chloe, will be featured at the open house, and this little shop is chalk-full of gorgeous hair pieces, head bands, etc.

there will also be hand bags, makeup, jewlery, and other surprise items, including some awesome crafty items made by lee!

i will be there with some business cards and large prints i'm having made today. soo excited to see how they turn out! :)

note for anyone attending the open house: try to bring cash if you can! :)

tonight we will be going to trasnformers 2 and perhaps dinner at chili's. gotta say, wasn't the biggest fan of the first transformers, but shia labeouf is easy to look at for a few hours :)

anyone else have any fun plans tonight?



  1. Maddie....this is a ADORABLE photo of my daughter! I would like to say Thank You!!!!

    Robin Thomas

  2. thanks robin! she was so stinkin cute, you might have some surprises comin! :)
