Monday, November 30, 2009

december goals.

so, here it is, december already.  how did this happen?   i swear 2009 just started.
i wanted to list a few goals for december, you know, to get me ready for the big 2010 resolution post!

okay, here goes.

1. eat better.  no more fried foods! and eat a hearty salad for at least ONE meal a day.
2.  try to get more exercise.
3. get caught up on all my editing!
4.  stop sleeping in so late on the weekends.  i'm a girl who's having an amazing love affair with sleep!
     can't get enough of it! we want to run away together . . .
5.  start a handwritten journal, to store my secrets.
6. start planning my etsy shop.
7.  cut back on the expensive coffee beverages.  lattes are too expensive to indulge in every day!
8.  finish the book i'm reading.
9.  be on time to work everyday (pretty sure i've tried to set this goal before).
10.  find some cute dresses for winter! and boots :)
11.  plan my christmas shopping!  also, i'm going to soak in the christmas spirit this year. i always let it slip by too fast!
12.  (because i have to end on an even number) plan at least one dinner party.  because i've wanted to all year and haven't had the time or energy to actually make it happen.  it will happen!

well, i think i'm going to pour myself into a hot bath.  i think i'm a mermaid at heart.
i'm obsessed with baths.  almost MORE than i am with sleep.

have a goodnight!


  1. i think these are all great except for #4. kinda seems like you might NEED that extra sleep on the weekends with the way you run around, maddie! you are one busy girl! you need that sleep. and the lattes for that matter. haha! never take me shopping; i am a terrrrible influence. :)

    thanks for your super sweet comment today, by the way. it made me feel really good. i consider you a friend too. absolutely!

  2. i like these goals.

    good luck with the dinner party. they're always a lot of work, but so worth it!

  3. Lattes and sleep make you happy! Maybe you should just adjust them a little. I will absolutly help with a dinner party! Save New Years resolutions for Lent. It only lasts 40 days and it happens after Valentines day and ends before Easter. And you feel so much better knowing that it will end that it's easier to keep the new habits. I promise! Do it with me.

  4. great goals maddie! i need to do a lot of these things...

    can i come to the dinner party?

  5. this is the cutest post. awesome goals! go you. i am too lazy to even make goals, let alone keep them.

  6. oh, I love lists!!! Especially ones with goals!!! Thanks for commenting on my blog, your photography is beautiful...can't wait to read more!

  7. Maddie- thanks for the camera advice you left on my blog. You are so helpful and I can't wait to read more of your blog. I agree with your love of baths. When I get out I always want to get back in an hour later.
