Thursday, November 12, 2009

pretty sure i must have these.

are they not totally amazing? swoon.

work is hectic this week (at the mortgage company), so editing has suffered a bit.
i plan to be editing most of my weekend, so, i should have some pictures to post soon.
also, i've had a few people ask me about my pricing.
i finally got that all figured out (at least for now), so you can click on the "pricing" tab
towards the top of my page.  yay!

right now i'm craving a latte.  too bad it's 11:45 :(  boo.
someday i WILL own an awesome espresso machine.



  1. oh my gosh i want those too!! ahh so cute! you always find the cutest headphones. anyway, hope you are getting your latte right now! lets have fun at work today! it is friday! wahoo!

  2. I love you Maddie, I got my Friday Green Tea Latte this morning and already things are looking up! Happy Friday! Great headphones.

  3. someday, i will own one too. a super fancy, perfectly calibrated, built-in espresso machine. ahhhh, it will be fantastic. but it still won't keep me out of peet's. haha!

  4. They are adorable!

    And I hate when I crave impossible things late in the evening :)

    Hope you've had a wonderful weekend dear Maddie!
