Thursday, November 5, 2009

wanna hear something funny?

this morning, when i was driving to work, not 3 houses
down from my house, i saw a little floppy-eared bunny sitting on
the side of the road, in the gutter.
it looked just like this one. 

it was almost as if it was to show me
today would be better. 
and it kind of is.


  1. awwww! what a cute little bun. i hope today is better for you, maddie. :)

  2. Bunnies are cute. I love you. Everything will be okay.

  3. i love bunnies they are too sweet!!! :D
    p.s. that pic is adorable!

  4. Hi. So I sometimes read your blog. I read Chloe's all the time, then when I found out she had a sister I started reading yours. I hope you don't think me commenting is creepy. Chloe told me you wouldn't. Anyway, I think your blog is way cute and I LOVE the pictures you take. Anyway...just wanted to say hi!

  5. Adorable sign dear Maddie... I do the same thing. Beautiful things in nature I often think of as God's way of telling me that something good is coming.

    Hope everything is better?

    My October was rough too. I was sick as you know, but also my mom was sick with Pneumonia and also someone I was once very close to passed away.

    Hope this new month is kinder.
