Monday, May 11, 2009

feeling a bit like this today:

lost and flying away

feeling a little lost and uneasy today, like i could fly away for a few days.

we're being forced out of our house (AGAIN!!) in a few days so that our house can be repaired from the flood damage last month.
can i just tell you that it feels like we've been working on our house for the past 6 months? and actually, that's pretty much the case. we had it completely re-carpeted, painted, bought new furniture, etc. back in march (that's about when it was mostly finished), then suddenly, last month, disaster strikes. we have a huge flood! so, now we are going to have it re-carpeted again, new bathroom floors and vanities, new wood floors upstairs, and i need new bedding because, lucky for me, the ceiling above my bed broke and released a monsoon right onto my bed.
sorry for the vent session. i've been trying to hold it together for the past few weeks. i know it could have been MUCH worse. i just hate moving. and that's what i'm supposed to be doing right now. i thought i would take a break from packing up my room (that i feel like i JUST unpacked) to vent to you, dear blog.

so the thomas family will be holed up in a hotel room for about a week and a half, starting wednesday. i get to share a room with my brother. woot.

what's worse than having to go to work in the morning?
waking up in a hotel room and remembering you're NOT on vacation. you're staying in a hotel room. with your brother. with no (free) internet, i assume. and you don't get to go and lay out by the nice pool all day. you get to go to work. then you get to come back to a hotel room. where your brother will probably be. all night. (**i really get along with my brother. i just like my personal space)

blah. sorry blog. really. just had to get that out of my system. i'll try to keep the complaining to a minimum.

i did get a new computer and chair at work. so there's a plus.

my new lens gets here wednesday.

the insurance company is covering all of our food when we're in the hotel, so maybe i will eat some good food :)

work isn't SUPER slammed right now.

i get to re-organize my room again, make sure i threw out everything i don't need anymore.

it's a nice day outside.

i discovered some fun blogs today.

so. there you go, blog. i had some things to be thankful for and stay positive about :)

i feel much better.


  1. I walked by your house today and felt sad for you. But look at it this way, now you get to have a maid make your bed every morning.

  2. New blogs?! Do share! ...and your room at Casa de Lee awaits you if you need it! Hang in'll be nice to have a new bathroom and bedding!! :)

  3. a good vent will do wonders. honestly, you have A LOT of legitimate stuff to complain about right now. i would be so bummed if my house flooded, and i had to deal with all that. try to enjoy the hotel as much as possible. hang in there, maddie!

  4. No one really understands how awful this really is. I feel like I am hanging on by a thread. At least the wood guy was cute! I wish I could just go to sleep for a couple of weeks and wake up in my room when it is all done. It would be better if we could pretend we were on vacation. Sad.

  5. i love how clean hotels are and you get to stay by a pool so you can journal, take lots of cool photos, hang out with your brother (LOL) and let me know when you get your lens to get some tips! *_*
