Sunday, May 10, 2009

happy mother's day!

mom, here's to you for always keeping me grounded, yet letting me flourish and learn from my own experiences and mistakes. you've always supported everything i've ever wanted to accomplish by being there for me physically, emotionally, financially . . . you've been there for me through everything and you will never know how amazingly awesome i think you are! you're pretty much the perfect mother :) i hope to be even half as good a mother to my children, someday, as you have been to me. it's hard for anyone to find that balance between being truly, truly supportive, yet giving your children enough room to grow and learn, and figure things out for themselves, rather than have all of their parent's thoughts, ideas, and beliefs forcefully spoonfed to them. some how you found that perfect balance, and i wish i could more accurately describe it, but it is almost unbelievable how you were able to do that.

i also want to wish my grandma dallyne a happy mother's day! grandma, you are truly inspirational, and supportive and you're always pushing all of us grandkids to go for our goals and dreams and you always, always, always let us believe we can do anything we set our minds to. you are an unbelievably adventurous spirit, and all of us hope to someday lead a life as fulfilling as you have. i think you should write a book about all of your awesome adventures around the world, and all of the trials and triumphs you've faced and accomplished. also, your's and grandpa's artistic nature has been a very big influence in my life. i hope i can make my life the beautiful adventure that you've been able to make yours.

to all the women i know, have a wonderful mother's day!

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(hehe, cyber flowers for you all!)



  1. maddie, you bring me so much joy! Thank you for remembering me. I had incredible parents and awesome children. I think my children and their mates are wonderful parents. My grandchildren are the love of my life and they are all so special in their own way. Whenever they follow their dreams I am happy. You never know where your dreams will lead you, but if you follow them you are always going in the right direction.

  2. Thank you Maddie. I love you and I am constantly amazed by you.

  3. beautifully written! a great photographer and a great writer!
