Friday, May 22, 2009

long weekend!

after a long week of working hard, moving, etc., i've decided to "jet off" to the exotic location that is torrey, utah. chloe, lee, and i are going to relax, do some four-wheeling, hang with grandma dallyne and grandpa dave, eat tons of food, maybe attend a cowboy poetry reading, maybe go to an art festival, make jewlery, and who knows what else! i will try to post from torrey, beause i HAVE been promising a photoshoot post. i will get on that!
is anyone else doing anything fun this weekend?


  1. Hope you like it wet - it's been raining here all day and forecast is for more over the weekend. Say hello to Dallyne and Dave for me, I never seem to see them any more.

    Bob Palin
    Torrey, UT
