Friday, May 1, 2009

planning on a weekend full of . . .

lots and lots of sleep.


-maybe some family events.

-setting up and playing on my new computer (oh so excited!!!).

-relaxing with jeremy.

-trying to stay warm.

-drinking coffee.

-brain-storming with lee about locations and prices for our photography business.

-studying up some more on photoshop.

-researching a new lens to purchase.

-catching up on blogs and other daily reads that i've neglected all week!

-wolverine tonight!!

-and perhaps some pictures on sunday, if the weather is clear by then.

and did i mention lots of sleep?! i can't wait.


  1. congrats on the awesome relaxing weekend!

  2. Yay, Wolverine!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

  3. your photos are really beautiful...
    and; have a nice sleep!

  4. i want to sleep all weekend too! but i don't think i can :( get some zzzz's for me!!

  5. yayy! i'm glad you're going to get a chance to sleep! you need it with how busy you've been lately. have a super fantastic weekend!
