Tuesday, May 5, 2009

some new-ness :)

random 031 - Copy
lee had the AWESOME idea of making terrariums. we had a blast, and aren't they so cute??

random 042
random 030 - Copy
random 029 - Copy
hehe, love the owl!

random 025 - Copy (2)
mine's got a little mouse, and a cat hiding somewhere!

random 021
. . . the little cottage in lee's terrarium . . .

random 037

random 035
random 013random 012
my new SCREAMING fast computer (hehe, i get a kick out the way jeremy calls it "screaming fast"). unfortunately, i don't have internet connected to it yet, but soon! doesn't it look so pretty utop the desk that grandpa dave built me? i can't get enough :) my room gets more and more inspirational every day!
also, tomorrow you will get to meet Fish. he's very excited to meet you all!


  1. i have never seen a picture of you before! you're so cute. i LOVE that sweater you're wearing (yellow is my favorite to wear).

    your terrariums are awesome, and i can't wait to meet Fish!

  2. Ha ha! Glad Fish is hanging in there :) I'm excited to have him move into the office. Plus our awesome terrariums!! <3

  3. Oh, I want a terrarium (I don't think I've heard that word since the 6th grade)!
    Remember that fish (or frog I can't remember) that you had when we were little that kept living even though you would forget to feed it sometimes? Or maybe you didn't forget to feed it but I remember the water being very murky. LOL. That thing was a trooper.

  4. Kinz, I think that frog is still alive in maddies room

  5. Soooo.

    I see how it is..

    my brother loves you more...

    Builds you THAT Beastly Sexy Piece O' Machinery!

    Nah, Its awesome. Cant wait til I can afford that!

    Oh and Terrariums...awesome Idea. Im copying...dont worry. Ill leave a lil disclaimer that it was your idea...


  6. Look at your new computer, on your new desk, next to your new i-touch, awaiting your new lens... you are full of new amazing things!!!!!
