Tuesday, September 1, 2009

creeping up . . .

fall is so close. i can tell because starbucks decorated for fall.
that's how i differ seasons. the way starbucks decorates their cafe.
no, just kidding . . . sillies.
but i have noticed a few leaves changing color, and it makes me
soo excited!
i spent most of last night working on a special project for
a special website, where there may or may not be a special give-away in the near future! :)
which reminds me, i'm so thankful for jeremy, my super smart boyfriend.
i tend to make things a lot more difficult than they need to be,
but having jeremy around is like having an "easy" button.
i explain to him what i'm trying to do in, for example, adobe illustrator, and jeremy
does, in about 5 seconds, what i'd been trying to do for about 20 minutes.
i had no idea he really even knew that much about
illustrator. but boy did he school me.
anyway, just wanted to pop in and say "hello!"!
have a wondeful day!


  1. Cute post Maddie. I am glad Jeremy makes your life easier. That's what boyfriends are for, right? Dad makes my life easier with cupcakes ;) and he washes my car!

  2. cute! sean makes my life ALOT easier. i don't have to cook, clean, do laundry, register my car, cry by myself. haha.

  3. Thanks for finding me pretty lady, I'm following you now on RSS and linking you on Autumnal Fuck!

    Many thanks,

    Hannah JV <3

  4. Can't wait to see your new project Maddie! And also, I know what you mean about the new season. It started off with Target for me, I went on Saturday and there were tons of Halloween things up already (I bought George a costume!) then today as I left work there were pretty fall leaves floating around everywhere... so sad to see summer end but looking forward to the Holidays! Hope you're having a wonderful week.♥

  5. There's something really mesmerising about your photo of the brick wall ... I like it. :)

    PS I wish I had a boyfriend like yours lol.

  6. maddie, i want a print of that photo!! i remember when you posted these like a billion years ago. i love the photos with that sign in them.

  7. yep, i just went back to your march posts and found the one with the provo photos in it. i love them. and i still want this photo. :D
