Friday, September 11, 2009

a few things:

1. i finished my edits last night! well.. more like at 6 this morning. then wrapped
everything else up around noon.

2. i was able to take a nice long bath today.

3. we did win our softball game last night!

4. i have another game in about an hour.

5. tonight, jeremy and i are going on a date :)

6. tomorrow, i get to photograph my cousin's wedding. excitement!

7. my mom and dad both have blogs now. how cute is that? they even match, hehe!

8. believe it or not, "hehe" is something i get from jeremy. he says it a lot in texts :)

9. who here watches grey's anatomy? does anyone but me find it weird that
basically EVERY character and most of their family members has died or almost died? . . .in their own hospital?
just thought that was interesting. and highly unbelievable.
but i will still watch.

10. i'm so happy it's friday.



  1. uh no, photoshop has not made your hair shinier than it is in real life - i was very critical of it over the weekend. :)

  2. I love your list Maddie! Such a great way to catch up. That's so cute that your Mom and Dad both have blogs now. I'm officially a follower of both. I use 'heehe' a lot but am afraid to here, it's supposed to be a sneaky villainous laugh but I think it it gets lost somehow? :) (but I use a lot of smiley's instead) and Lastly, I would watch 'Grey's Anatomy' when it first began but then they all started sleeping with each other and it just got kinda gross for me at that point. Hate it when shows do that.

    Also, your photo is lovely!

  3. yayyy! congratulations on getting all your editing done! hope you had fun on your date with jeremy tonight. :)

  4. Hello! I found your blog because of the intro, I love your work! I am esp. taken with the headphones and glases pics!

  5. Your parents have blogs?? Hilarious. And congrats on the list!
