Friday, September 25, 2009

hello lovely people!

any fun plans this weekend?
i have a softball game tonight, as per usual, then, i don't know what!
i kind of want to watch nick and norah's infinite playlist.  that movie
just brings me back to last fall, which was a wonderful season :)
tomorrow, i may try to squeeze in a mini-shoot with chloe and lee
to push for a fall-promo we're workin on, and maybe a latte
at the sundance lodge up the canyon . . . mmmm.

i will be sure to post pictures from tomorrow!
have a fabulous night!

(p.s. sorry my posts have been so short lately, kind of an uneventful week!)

love you!


  1. yea for fall and yummy drinks at sundance!! gotta enjoy it while we can with snow on the horizon...

  2. i love these pictures. you are so talented Mad.

  3. Beautiful photographs as always! Hey Maddie... do you have an etsy shop?
